


A mimicry on existentialism

Kathmandu, March 29 -- No elaborate sets, no dialogues, no named characters-just body movement and music. That's the signature style of director Sudam CK. Following 'Aiya! Maya' and 'Paanch', CK retur... Read More

Tackling trauma and breaking barriers

Nepal, March 25 -- When one meets Parina Subba Limbu, they will probably immediately think of words like confident and powerful because of her strong walk, bold manner, and self-assured voice. Yet, as... Read More

Holi, the Mithila way

Kathmandu, March 24 -- Aarti Devi Ray, a 65-year-old resident of Jogyara, Bideha Municipality in Dhanusha, was eager to join the Mithila Madhyamik Parikrama festival this year. However, due to health ... Read More

Reimagining motherhood

Nepal, March 23 -- Have you ever heard the tale of the mother bird and her chicks? It's a story often told to illustrate a mother's love, where she nurtures her babies until they grow feathers and lea... Read More

Reading can break down the stigma around mental health

Nepal, March 21 -- Rojisha Shahi Thakuri is the founder and director of Healthy Minds, where she offers vital mental health support. She has a master's degree in clinical psychology. She is also a psy... Read More

A cinematic salute to the Gurkha soldiers

Nepal, March 19 -- With their khukuri and the iconic battle cry, "Aayo Gurkhali!", the Gurkhas have placed indelible marks on world history. Familiar to anyone with even a passing knowledge of warfare... Read More

Insights into imposter syndrome

Nepal, March 19 -- Do you ever accomplish things but still feel like you need to prove your competence? Do you ever doubt your success and worry that you might not deserve it? If so, you might be expe... Read More